Built-in AI detection for classrooms and workspaces

Bring the most precise AI content checker directly into the software you use every day.

GPTZero Integrations

AI Content Detection and Analysis Trusted by Leading Organizations

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LMS Integrations

Bring AI content detection and plagiarism checking into your classroom

Add everything from AI scanning to writing feedback into your school's existing learning management systems with easy implementation and simplified pricing.

Ready to bring GPTZero to your school?

Schedule an implementation chat with an expert

We'll walk you through what you need to request AI detection for your classroom, department, or academic institution, with simple pricing and easy implementation.

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API Integrations

A customizable AI detection API for developers

A powerful API Integration seamlessly integrates our AI detector into any platform. Ready-to-use code available in 17 different languages, including Node.JS, Python, C#, Java, PHP, and more.

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SOC2 Cpmpliant

Enterprise-grade security

GPTZero is proud to be AICPA SOC 2 compliant. SOC 2 is a voluntary standard by the American Institute of CPAs for service organizations concerning how to handle customer data, based on five criteria: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

SaaS Integrations

Add AI detection to any workflow with Zapier

The GPTZero Zapier integration connects with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no coding necessary.

SaaS integrations with Zapier