After the base plan word allotment is used, additional usage is
charged at $150 per million words.
Additional words:
Base plan cost:
Additional usage cost:
Estimated total monthly cost:
Selected plan
300k words each month
50 file batch uploads
50k characters per doc
Access to GPTZero’s premium detection model
Translate uses the GPTZero API to ensure authentic translations.
K16 Solutions uses GPTZero to power AI detection analytics for colleges.
Nextcloud uses GPTZero to helps organizations regain control over their data.
Newsguard leverages GPTZero to protect the integrity of the internet
Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center uses GPTZero to monitor AI-driven misinformation.
Schmidt Futures uses GPTZero to understand AI trends in scholarship applications.
Kritik leverages GPTZero to deliver quality learning experiences to 250+ academic institutions.
Source Scout uses GPTZero to help journalists vet new sources.
Peerceptiv uses GPTZero to support trusted peer to peer learning communities.
Brisk Teaching uses the GPTZero API to power a growing teacher's app.
Revisely uses GPTZero to power a leading education platform.
Coding it Forward uses GPTZero to ensure integrity in applications.
Coursify Studios is leveraging GPTZero to build the next generation LMS.
GPTZero is proud to be AICPA SOC 2 compliant, ensuring excellence and trust in every cutting edge product we bring our users. SOC 2 is a voluntary standard by the American Institute of CPAs for service organizations concerning how to handle customer data. It's based on five criteria: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.