Grammar Checker

Correct grammatical errors instantly. Use our free grammar checker powered by AI deep learning to help you improve your writing and composition.
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How does our AI grammar check work?


Enter text into GPTZero and scan for writing feedback.

Simply copy and paste text or upload a file and get AI-powered feedback, catching punctuation slips, spelling errors, and more.

Text input box on the GPTZero dashboard

Accept or reject suggestions

Fix grammar mistakes and avoid common typos with easy writing improvement suggestions.

Sample result with grammar suggestions on the GPTZero dashboard

Improve writing beyond basic grammar corrector

Get custom feedback on voice, tone, and sentence structure from AI trained for your content type (applications, marketing, essays)

Sample custom feedback on the GPTZero dashboard

Who uses our AI grammar checker?

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Writers, Students, and Authors

Polish your writing, improve your fluency, develop an original and compelling voice.

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Educators and Academic Institutions

Offer AI writing tools that help teach students why and how to improve, versus rewriting everything for them.

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Marketers and Content Creators

Save time with editing and rewriting with our custom feedback and AI copywriting.

Instantly find and correct writing errors with your personalized AI writing tutor.

Grammar Check scan preview

Fix grammar and spelling mistakes.

Leave no sentence unchecked. Level up your work with GPTZero’s grammar corrector and writing feedback tools that proofread your work for you.

Check grammar

Go premium: improve your writing with instant AI feedback.

Go beyond the basic grammar corrector and get feedback on everything from clarity, tone, wordiness, and more with our premium writing feedback.

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FAQs about our Grammar Checker

Everything you need to know about our Grammar Checker.

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How do online grammar checkers work?

Online grammar checkers work by scanning sentences and detecting errors in spelling, punctuation, and phrasing based on sets of rules in the English languages programmed into the software. GPTZero’s grammar checker takes the most up to date English grammar rules and combines them with AI trained on top educational composition and writing instructions to improve your writing.

How does GPTZero’s grammar checker work?

GPTZero’s grammar checker uses AI to scan your text for spelling errors, missing punctuation, and typos. It then provides suggestions on how to improve your writing. GPTZero’s grammar checker is free to use and doesn’t require a subscription.

How can I check if my sentence is correct or not?

To check if your sentence is correct, run it through a free grammar checker like GPTZero. GPTZero’s AI grammar checker will detect common spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, typos, and grammar problems and let you automatically correct your writing.

How can we improve writing skills?

Improving your writing is more than just making sure it’s typo free. GPTZero’s writing feedback and improvement tools are more than a basic sentence checker. It will teach you writing best practices and writing tips, from writing more concisely to avoiding negative construction and more. GPTZero’s AI writing tools help you rephrase and rewrite your sentences for better readability and fluency.

Are there better alternatives to Grammarly’s grammar checker?

Alternatives to Grammarly’s grammar checker include: GPTZero’s writing feedback tools and Quillbot’s AI writing tools. We obviously think there’s value to trying GPTZero, as the leading AI detector, to not just fix grammar mistakes but improve your writing and avoid sounding like an AI chatbot.