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The #1 AI Detector for Students

Write Intelligently Not Artificially

GPTZero is much more than an AI detection tool. GPTZero helps student grow their writing skills through finding a balance between AI-generated text and writing in their authentic voice.

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Our Commitment to Students

At GPTZero, we’re not about “catching students.” Instead, we work to ensure responsible AI use in education and beyond. With our educational partners, we will always promote a collaborative approach over a punitive one.

GPTZero is known for its cutting edge AI Detection technology, though many are often surprised by our student-founded origins. When our founder and CEO, Edward Tian, was stressed by AI’s impact on his then-future career in data journalism while studying at Princeton, he developed an algorithm to detect AI-created disinformation.

Our mission begins with demystifying AI in the classroom. We can’t wait to see the future you’ll build with these tools.

Identify AI-generated content and check copied material across the internet

We developed the most comprehensive and accurate AI checker and plagiarism solution for education, developed for teachers with additional features including AI reports and classroom writing statistics.

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Improve Your Writing with Actionable Essay Feedback

Developed with insights from Princeton University writing professors,
Get actionable and structural feedback to improve your writing.

Prove Your Originality
Mark Your Writing as Your Own

Never be falsely accused of cheating by any plagiarism checker. With our Origin Chrome Extension you can replay assignments on Google Docs and earn badges that demonstrate originality in an essay.

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“The best AI checker"according to our customers and community

FAQs about GPTZero

Everything you need to know about GPTZero and our chat gpt detector.

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What is GPTZero?

GPTZero is the leading AI detector for checking whether a document was written by a large language model such as ChatGPT. GPTZero detects AI on sentence, paragraph, and document level. Our model was trained on a large, diverse corpus of human-written and AI-generated text, with a focus on English prose. To date, GPTZero has served over 2.5 million users around the world, and works with over 100 organizations in education, hiring, publishing, legal, and more.

How do I use GPTZero?

Simply paste in the text you want to check, or upload your file, and we'll return an overall detection for your document, as well as sentence-by-sentence highlighting of sentences where we've detected AI. Unlike other detectors, we help you interpret the results with a description of the result, instead of just returning a number.

To get the power of our AI detector for larger texts, or a batch of files, sign up for a free account on our Dashboard.

If you want to run the AI detector as your browse, you can download our Chrome Extension, Origin, which allows you to scan the entire page in one click.

When should I use GPTZero?

Our users have seen the use of AI-generated text proliferate into education, certification, hiring and recruitment, social writing platforms, disinformation, and beyond. We've created GPTZero as a tool to highlight the possible use of AI in writing text. In particular, we focus on classifying AI use in prose.

Overall, our classifier is intended to be used to flag situations in which a conversation can be started (for example, between educators and students) to drive further inquiry and spread awareness of the risks of using AI in written work.

Does GPTZero only detect ChatGPT outputs?

No, GPTZero works robustly across a range of AI language models, including but not limited to ChatGPT, GPT-4, GPT-3, GPT-2, LLaMA, and AI services based on those models.

Why GPTZero over other detection models?

  • GPTZero is the most accurate AI detector across use-cases, verified by multiple independent sources, including TechCrunch, which called us the best and most reliable AI detector after testing seven others.
  • GPTZero builds and constantly improves our own technology. In our competitor analysis, we found that not only does GPTZero perform better, some competitor services are actually just forwarding the outputs of free, open-source models without additional training.
  • In contrast to many other models, GPTZero is finetuned for student writing and academic prose. By doing so, we've seen large improvements in accuracies for this use-case.
Lastly, many of our users - especially educators - have told us they trust GPTZero because we have only one mission: provide every human with the tools to detect and safely adopt AI technologies. Unlike many providers who recently released detectors as a side product, this mission will always be our number one priority.

What are the limitations of AI Detection?

The nature of AI-generated content is changing constantly. As such, these results should not be used to punish students. We recommend educators to use our behind-the-scene Writing Reports as part of a holistic assessment of student work. There always exist edge cases with both instances where AI is classified as human, and human is classified as AI. Instead, we recommend educators take approaches that give students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding in a controlled environment and craft assignments that cannot be solved with AI.

The accuracy of our model increases as more text is submitted to the model. As such, the accuracy of the model on the document-level classification will be greater than the accuracy on the paragraph-level, which is greater than the accuracy on the sentence level.

The accuracy of our model also increases for text similar in nature to our dataset. While we train on a highly diverse set of human and AI-generated text, the majority of our dataset is in English prose, written by adults.

Our classifier is not trained to identify AI-generated text after it has been heavily modified after generation (although we estimate this is a minority of the uses for AI-generation at the moment).

Currently, our classifier can sometimes flag other machine-generated or highly procedural text as AI-generated, and as such, should be used on more descriptive portions of text.