Plagiarism Checker

Sign up to try a free plagiarism checker that scans your text for matches to online databases and the internet. Use citations to avoid accidental plagiarism with unattributed content.
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How does our plagiarism check work?


Enter text into GPTZero’s plagiarism software

Simply copy and paste text or upload a file into our plagiarism detector, and click ‘Scan’ to check for similar texts.

Text input box on the GPTZero dashboard

Evaluate your text for potential plagiarism

Get a similarity score and determine what percent of the text matches original sources from online.

Plagiarism checker results view on the GPTZero dashboard

Review plagiarism report

Find citations to avoid accidental plagiarism and preserve academic integrity.

Plagiarized sources view on the GPTZero dashboard
stacked books

What is plagiarism?

“Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.”

GPTZero’s online plagiarism checker helps you identify plagiarized content by determining how much of the inputted text is original, which was found online and from what sources.

Who uses our plagiarism checker?

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Writers and Authors

Safeguard your originality and avoid accidental plagiarism by verifying the uniqueness of your content before publication.

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Educators and Academic Institutions

Foster academic integrity in your classroom and teach students the importance of source citation.

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Researchers and Scholars

Validate the authenticity of your research findings and avoid unintentional plagiarism by cross-referencing your work with existing literature.

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Business and content creators

Maintain credibility and avoid copyright infringement by guaranteeing the originality of your marketing materials, website content, and creative assets.

GPTZero's AI scan results preview

Identify AI-generated content.

Encourage originality with downloadable reports featuring in-depth analysis of AI vs. human text and classroom writing statistics.

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How to avoid accidental plagiarism

Use GPTZero’s plagiarism checker to find similar content from online sources and make sure all work is properly cited.

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GPTZero's Plagiarism scan result preview
Illustration of GPTZero's classroom integration with Canva dashboard

Integrate with your existing classroom tools.

Add AI plagiarism detection seamlessly to Moodle, Canvas, Google Classroom and other learning management systems.

FAQs about our Plagiarism Checker

Everything you need to know about our Plagiarism Checker.

Can’t find an answer? You can talk to our customer service team.

Is the plagiarism checker free?

If you sign up for GPTZero, you can get up to five free plagiarism scans per month here.

How do I avoid plagiarism?

You can avoid plagiarism by not copying work from others without citation. Try to include quoted attribution to the original writer or publication you got the information from. Only quote the minimum you absolutely need.

What does the similarity score on this plagiarism checker mean?

Our plagiarism software runs a similarity check that compares your text to texts in our database and on the internet. The similarity score algorithm measures how alike the text is, from vocabulary to sentence structure to phrasing, and alerts you when passages sound too much like other sources.

How do I cite sources to avoid plagiarism?

You can add a citation as a reference in your footnotes or works cited/bibliography, or you can refer to the writer or the publication in the text.

Is using AI considered plagiarism?

Some people consider using artificial intelligence tools to create content and passing it off as your own original work as “AI plagiarism.” You can learn to cite AI as a source and attribute content you generate off prompts to AI to avoid accidental AI plagiarism.

What are the different types of plagiarism?

We cover many different types of plagiarism to help protect academic integrity. Learn more about some surprisingly common types of plagiarism.