GPTZero engineers developed an industry leading plagiarism check to match your text to millions of documents in our databases and on the internet. With this free tool, we hope to support content creators and writers in generating creative and original content.
Check for Plagiarism
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Simply copy and paste text or upload a file into our dashboard scanner, the same place you scan AI text. and click ‘run scan’.
Get a similarity percentage and determine what % of text was found online
Our plagiarism check will help tell you whether your text contains duplicate content and what sources the text was found from
GPTZero’s online plagiarism checker helps you identify plagiarized content by determining how much of the inputted text is original, which was found online and from what sources.
Safeguard your originality and protect your intellectual property by verifying the uniqueness of your content before publication.
Safeguard your originality and protect your intellectual property by verifying the uniqueness of your content before publication.
Validate the authenticity of your research findings and avoid unintentional plagiarism by cross-referencing your work with existing literature.
Maintain credibility and trust with your audience by guaranteeing the originality of your marketing materials, website content, and creative assets.
Everything you need to know about our Plagiarism Checker. Can’t find an answer? You can talk to our customer service team.
GPTZero’s plagiarism detection tool compares your inputted text to billions of webpages and academic papers found online. When you use GPTZero’s plagiarism check to detect plagiarism, it will give you a report of what % of your content is plagiarized and flags specific sentences and which sources they are from. Don’t worry - all text inputted to GPTZero is confidential and no one will have access to your scans.
Unintentional plagiarism is, “not giving proper credit for someone else's ideas, research, or words, even if it was not intentional to present them as your own.” GPTZero’s sources section scans your text for similar matches found online. It will help tell you whether your text contains duplicate content and what sources the text was found from so you can properly cite your work.
Currently, plagiarism checks are a premium feature. You can sign up for as little as $10/month to detect plagiarism today!