Simply copy and paste text or upload a file into our plagiarism detector, and click ‘Scan’ to check for similar texts.
Get a similarity score and determine what percent of the text matches original sources from online.
Find citations to avoid accidental plagiarism and preserve academic integrity.
GPTZero’s online plagiarism checker helps you identify plagiarized content by determining how much of the inputted text is original, which was found online and from what sources.
Safeguard your originality and avoid accidental plagiarism by verifying the uniqueness of your content before publication.
Foster academic integrity in your classroom and teach students the importance of source citation.
Validate the authenticity of your research findings and avoid unintentional plagiarism by cross-referencing your work with existing literature.
Maintain credibility and avoid copyright infringement by guaranteeing the originality of your marketing materials, website content, and creative assets.
Encourage originality with downloadable reports featuring in-depth analysis of AI vs. human text and classroom writing statistics.
Create free accountUse GPTZero’s plagiarism checker to find similar content from online sources and make sure all work is properly cited.
Try for freeAdd AI plagiarism detection seamlessly to Moodle, Canvas, Google Classroom and other learning management systems.
Everything you need to know about our Plagiarism Checker.
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If you sign up for GPTZero, you can get up to five free plagiarism scans per month here.