The AI DetectiveNews on AI detection from the source.

GPTZero: Schools Out

Edward Tian

Core Updates:

  • We’re graduating / quitting our PhDs and jobs to truly build the safeguards for human writing in an AI-filled world. We raised 3.5M from awesome backers in tech and journalism.
  • We launched Origin by GPTZero, our chrome extension and the future of browsing the internet and consuming information in a generative AI world

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Our Origin Story

On New Year’s Day, I launched an AI detector, and named it GPTZero. For the first test for the detector, I inputted writing from The New Yorker. Frame of Reference, 2015, by legendary American writer John McPhee.

John also happened to be my writing professor.

“No one will ever write in just the way you do,” he always told us. This story starts from his classroom, and a conviction that John’s lessons and human words, are worth preserving.

Edward (22) and John (92), May 4, 2023

I emailed the news to John. “A very good New Year’s to you too,” he replied. “Dazzling the cyberzone. What next?”

What’s next was beyond our wildest imaginations.

You can read more here, here, here and here on Forbes. But the most recent update is that as school is closing, graduation incoming, and PhDs dropped-out of, we raised the funds to build a dream team of ML experts, and the best AI detection and content verification platform, for every student, educator, and human.

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Our Chrome Extension

We just launched our chrome extension Origin, and demoed to several media execs this week, including Tom Glocer, prev CEO of Reuters, Mark Thompson, prev CEO of NYT, and senior executives at the BBC.

Origin is only the start. We have a roadmap of exciting new features, including updates to our interpretability dashboard and AI image detection. Check out Origin on Monday, and you might just see some new feature!

Mark Thompson, former CEO of the NYT beta testing Origin with our team

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Join GPTZero

Our mission has been the same since day one.

Preserving what’s human in an AI world.

We’re a diverse, fast-growing, remote team based in New York, Toronto, London, San Francisco, and Kampala, and are excited to grow our team significantly in the next month! If you thrive in a fast-moving startup environment, or know a friend interested in joining, please let us know.

One click could be the origin of it all ;)

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Thank you so much for your support that got us to this point!

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