Effective Ways to Improve Media Literacy in the Classroom
Looking for ideas on improving media literacy in the classroom? Here, we explore how to understand information in an era of AI.
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Looking for ideas on improving media literacy in the classroom? Here, we explore how to understand information in an era of AI.
GPTZero expands its AI detection coverage of LLMs to DeepSeek’s open-source reasoning model that made waves in the AI industry.
Learn how GPTZero’s new “fact check” for X works and why the leading AI detector is using AI to combat misinformation.
An overview of how AI detectors like GPTZero, TurnitIn, and Copyleaks compare in terms of accuracy rate, error rate, false positives and negatives for identifying AI-generated content.
We review Chegg's Plagiarism checker in the era of modern AI plagiarism detection.
Compare Winston AI's features, pricing, and AI text detection against leading competitors like GPTZero.
We take a look at Grammarly's AI detector and paraphrasing tools to review how AI detectors such as GPTZero handle its AI-powered writing tools.
GPTZero expands its AI detection coverage of LLMs to OpenAI’s latest reasoning models; see our internal benchmarking on how we compare to other AI detectors.
We test Undetectable AI to see it if can live up to its name. Read an honest review of if Undetectable can spot AI-generated content and “humanize” it to bypass detectors.
We review the features, accuracy, and pricing of Scribbr’s AI detection.
Our latest feature for writers helps you check your claims and back up your arguments with better sourced citations.