How to Understand Your AI Scan Results
You’ve scanned your first text using GPTZero’s AI detector. Here’s some quick background on how to evaluate the results.
You’ve scanned your first text using GPTZero’s AI detector. Here’s some quick background on how to evaluate the results.
GPTZero co-founder Edward Tian shares why he works to preserve what's human, bringing transparency to a world filled with AI content.
Learn more about GPTZero’s newest advancements in AI detection against AI bypassers, humanizers, and paraphrasers like Phrasly, Undetectable, and Quillbot
DPM Freeland’s visit underscores GPTZero’s AI detector as a tech innovator for Canada and the growing demand of responsible deployment of AI.
Learn how AI content detectors spot the difference between AI and human writing – with a simple breakdown of the cutting-edge technology behind the tools.
Read GPTZero's approach to student privacy, security and compliance, including FERPA, SOC2, COPPA, etc.
An overview of how AI detectors like GPTZero, TurnitIn, and Copyleaks compare in terms of accuracy rate, error rate, false positives and negatives for identifying AI-generated content.
GPTZero’s AI detection platform made the list of top venture-backed companies that serve small to medium-sized businesses.
AI detection tool GPTZero nails it with 99% accuracy when identifying AI-generated content from Meta’s Llama 3.1 language model.