GPTZero & Student Privacy
Read GPTZero's approach to student privacy, security and compliance, including FERPA, SOC2, COPPA, etc.
Read GPTZero's approach to student privacy, security and compliance, including FERPA, SOC2, COPPA, etc.
Uncover the most frequent words that generative AI tools like ChatGPT overuse, so you can avoid sounding like a bot.
An overview of how teachers can reduce implicit bias when reviewing student written work for potential AI usage.
Why watermarking isn’t enough and AI models need better data labeling to prevent degeneration.
An overview of how AI detectors like GPTZero, TurnitIn, and Copyleaks compare in terms of accuracy rate, error rate, false positives and negatives for identifying AI-generated content.
GPTZero’s AI detection platform made the list of top venture-backed companies that serve small to medium-sized businesses.
How do you teach in a post-ChatGPT world?
Learn how Louisiana’s largest university system is adopting academic integrity tools like GPTZero to gain insights into students’ AI use.
AI detection tool GPTZero nails it with 99% accuracy when identifying AI-generated content from Meta’s Llama 3.1 language model.