Why Publishers and Editors Should Be Concerned about AI-Written Content
Why editors and publishers should beware of a new category of faux writers using AI, and the threats to quality control and reputation that AI-generated content creates.
Why editors and publishers should beware of a new category of faux writers using AI, and the threats to quality control and reputation that AI-generated content creates.
We look at how AI tools are currently being used in schools by both students and teachers, and look at what this could mean for academic integrity and educational ethics.
Tips for hiring managers and recruiters to spot candidates who misrepresent their skills and accomplishments using AI.
Looking for ideas on improving media literacy in the classroom? Here, we explore how to understand information in an era of AI.
GPTZero expands its AI detection coverage of LLMs to DeepSeek’s open-source reasoning model that made waves in the AI industry.
Learn how GPTZero’s new “fact check” for X works and why the leading AI detector is using AI to combat misinformation.
GPTZero expands its AI detection coverage of LLMs to OpenAI’s latest reasoning models; see our internal benchmarking on how we compare to other AI detectors.
Our latest feature for writers helps you check your claims and back up your arguments with better sourced citations.
At closing, Honourable DPM Freeland announced $26 billion in tax credits and reforms to Canada’s SR&ED incentive program, which fuels innovation like GPTZero.
You’ve scanned your first text using GPTZero’s AI detector. Here’s some quick background on how to evaluate the results.
Looking for ideas on setting assignments that outsmart ChatGPT? Here, we explore the art of designing AI-proof assignments.