How GPTZero Fact Checks X Threads With AI
Learn how GPTZero’s new “fact check” for X works and why the leading AI detector is using AI to combat misinformation.

At our core, we are an AI detector. But unlike other commercially available AI detectors, we have a bigger mission: we care about preserving what’s human and preserving the truth.
Misinformation is everywhere these days. We think AI should be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Last month, we launched our AI-powered Source Finder to offer students and writers a way to find sources that support or contradict their arguments in written articles and essays.
Today, we’re bringing our machine learning team’s advancements to the heart of a lot of high-stakes conversation and discourse: social media platforms.
Introducing: AI Community Notes by GPTZero
With GPTZero’s AI Community Notes, you can now ask our X account @GPTZeroAI to respond to tweets and articles on X with the phrase “fact check.” Our account will automatically respond with summarized responses and link sources that support or contradict the claims in the original post, all powered by our AI source finder.
With GPTZero’s AI Community Notes, you can get faster responses to dubious claims or corroborate breaking news with reports from other sources.

AI Community Notes will check, summarize, and find relevant supporting or contradicting sources on:
- Tweets of any length
- Recent tweet threads (within the last 7 days)
- Any linked public articles (not paywalled)
How AI Community Notes Works
If you want to learn more about how our Source Finder works, check out the blog post we wrote when we announced it.
AI Community Notes enhances the work of our source finder's detection by connecting it to X and making it even easier to fact check claims on the internet.
You will get links to sources that we found to support or contradict the claim. You can also click a link to our Source Finder dashboard to see more details about each claim and more information on the sources, including additional sources.

This is a free tool and we intend to keep it that way; that said, our company is paying X to access the automations that make this possible.
Some current limitations you might run into:
- There will be times we may hit our rate limit or maximum responses per day.
- For tweet threads, please respond to the parent tweet (not the final tweet) to get a full response.
- You may not get a response from the account if it is experiencing long queues or has hit this maximum. You can always scan a tweet directly to our Source Finder for free.
- Our account currently only can check non-paywall articles in links. If you have personal access to a paywalled article, you can copy/paste or scan it in Source Finder directly.
- We don’t scan images or video content just yet.
- Due to limitations on X’s end, our account currently can only respond to recent tweet threads from the past 7 days. Posts from 7 days or longer ago can be scanned (you guessed it) directly into Source Finder.
How to Support AI Community Notes
We’re launching this to help increase media literacy and accountability on the internet. We use machine learning to distinguish AI-generated content from human writing; we also want it to help us distinguish fact from fiction. The task isn’t easy, but we will keep improving this as long as it proves useful.
You can support our launch on Product Hunt and try out the tool for yourself!
If you like what we’re up to, support us by signing up for GPTZero and trying out our premium features like our source finder, advanced AI detection, AI vocabulary, and writing feedback tools!