Announcing GPTZero Source Finder: Detect and Cite Factual Claims
Our latest feature for writers helps you check your claims and back up your arguments with better sourced citations.

Misinformation is not a new problem. But in an era where both AI and the internet have allowed for the rapid generation and distribution of info, you’ll find people making loud, pointed arguments based on evidence that is of dubious origin – or worse, without evidence at all.
GPTZero is here to help combat the spread of misinformation and support you in developing literacy and awareness around the sources of information out there. With GPTZero’s new Source Finder tool, you can back your arguments with clear supporting evidence, and be aware when there are contradictory statements out there that may give you a different point of view.
⭐ GPTZero’s Source Finder helps you back your arguments with supporting evidence.
How GPTZero’s Source Finder Works
GPTZero source finder is to detect potentially misleading claims in text and give recommendations for sources that support or contradict those claims. Our tool automatically detects any arguments or “claims” in a document that may require more scrutiny, and then links to helpful sources to dive deeper into your analysis and provide helpful context. You can pull these into your own research, or share your results to improve someone else’s.

With GPTZero’s Source Finder, you can:
- Cite reputable sources to make sure your arguments are well-backed.
- Copy citations in various style guides, including: MLA, Chicago, APA, Bibtex and IEEE.
- Check and discover if sources include AI-generated information.
How do I use GPTZero’s source finder?

Simply paste in the text you want to check, or upload your file. Source Finder will detect as many checkable, objective claims in your text and match those to sources from online, academic, and publicly available data coming from AI-powered search engines. You may find sources that would directly support or contradict these claims and can cite the relevant snippet from the source in various formats.
Does GPTZero’s source finder use AI?
We use AI to detect claims and arguments and pair them with potentially relevant sources. We actively do NOT try to recommend AI-generated content, due to their unreliability, and we label sources that are potentially including AI-generated content.
Does GPTZero’s source finder work as a "fact checker"?
We'd like to believe we can call ourselves a fact checker. That said, while we strive to only include high-quality sources from reputable online, academic, and public sources, our tool currently does not take an active stance on whether your claims or the claims in the sources cited are guaranteed "true" or "false." We only indicate whether there is online evidence that contradicts, debates, or supports a claim. We definitely do not endorse the viewpoints in any specific source.
How does GPTZero select the sources in its database?
We allow you to search for claims from a dataset of over 220M scholarly articles, preprints and real-time news via Semantic Scholar and search APIs. We also run these sources through our AI detection platform to understand if these sources use AI-generated content.
Ready to try out sources today? Get your first 5 scans for free when you sign up for a free account.