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ZeroGPT vs GPTZero

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Edward Tian - 2 min read

ZeroGPT launched their domain on Jan 18th. It was an effort to take advantage of GPTZero’s momentum through brand confusion, where multiple articles, including from the SCMP and Yahoo News that covered GPTZero had mistakenly inverted our name.

When launching their detector in February, ZeroGPT immediately put on their website the tagline “Millions of users trust ZeroGPT's detector.” This was obviously false as their service had just launched, and deliberately misled consumers through confusing them with the GPTZero brand. At that point, GPTZero publicly shared that we already had 1 million registered users.

ZeroGPT's website launched Jan 18th already claimed to have millions of users before even having a working AI detector 

ZeroGPT is not here to support educators, nor expand the boundaries of research in AI detection. In the past, they have frequently copied academic work without fair attributions, including their AI facial generation 'service' which is a copy of open-sourced StyleGan image models.

ZeroGPT also operates unverified technologies such as WaterOutPhone, Let's Talk GPT, and Unreal Person, which a copies a public facial generation AI model from academia without proper attribution

ZeroGPT is in the business of spinning out websites for short-term advertisement profit. In addition to ZeroGPT, the conglomerate of websites has also spun out other unverified technologies like WaterOutPhone, “the easiest way to remove dust and fix your speaker by playing verified sound” and Let’s Talk GPT, “Premium and Reliable ChatGPT Messaging Tool” which was banned on Twitter.

ZeroGPT's app LetsTalkGPT was recently suspended for violating Twitter's term of services. It still continues to operate on Telegram spreading undisclosed AI content and spam.

In conclusion, GPTZero users should not trust ZeroGPT as a brand or an AI detector. They are not associated with GPTZero, and offer no transparency or accountability behind who is operating their website. They are an attempt to misconstrue consumers and confuse our offerings for short-term profit.