GPTZero Named One of 2024 SMBTech 50 Top Companies
GPTZero’s AI detection platform made the list of top venture-backed companies that serve small to medium-sized businesses.

[New York, NY] September 4, 2024 – We’re excited to share that GTPZero was named to the 2024 SMBTech 50, an annual list created by Notable Capital in collaboration with 25 venture capital firms to recognize the growth and potential of venture-backed technology startups that serve small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Launched in 2022, Notable Capital’s SMBTech 50 demonstrates the breadth and depth of the sector and the enthusiasm of venture capital investors for these companies. In celebration of the SMBTech 50 list, company honorees will ring the closing bell at the Nasdaq MarketSite today.
“As the leading AI detection platform, we are proud to provide everyone – from individual educators to small businesses to educational institutions – the tools to combat the spread of AI-driven misinformation and the tools to preserve content integrity on the internet,” said GPTZero founder and CEO, Edward Tian.

Small businesses are the engine that drives the U.S. economy, with more than than 34 million small businesses in the U.S. that employ 59 million workers. Against this backdrop, more than 200 companies were nominated and voted on by top SMBTech venture capital investors to create the SMBTech 50, which represents a mix of early, growth, and late-stage private companies.
“The SMBTech sector has evolved into a powerhouse within the technology industry, with companies like Shopify and Hubspot demonstrating the value in serving SMBs,” said Chelcie Taylor, Investor, Notable Capital. “This year's SMBTech 50 list showcases startups that are reshaping how small businesses operate, from AI-driven efficiency tools to market-expanding platforms. We're impressed by their ingenuity and resilience, particularly in navigating recent market challenges.”
About GPTZero
GPTZero is the first and one of the fastest-growing AI text detectors, with precise and in-depth results used by more than 3 million people, from educators, students, writers, to AI data labelers. GPTZero offers advanced AI text detection of all major large language models, from ChatGPT to Claude, Gemini, Llama and more.
About Notable Capital
Notable Capital is a global venture capital firm based in the U.S. focused on early-to-growth-stage companies in cloud infrastructure and business and consumer applications. The firm invests primarily in the U.S., Israel, Europe, and Latin America. Notable Capital portfolio companies include Affirm, Airbnb, Block, Brightwheel, Drata, Handshake, HashiCorp, Ibotta, Orca Security, Quince, Slack, Slice, StockX, Stori, Vercel, Zendesk, and more.
SMBTech 50 is an annual list of the most innovative technology startups serving small-and-medium sized businesses as voted on by prominent SMBTech investors and VCs.