Phrasly AI Review for 2025: Can It Bypass AI Detectors?
We review Phrasly’s AI humanizer to see if it can consistently bypass AI detectors like GPTZero.

Phrasly AI is a tool designed to “humanize” AI-generated content that comes with an additional AI detector. Phrasly’s AI Humanizer, like other AI paraphrasing tools, attempts to rewrite or reformat AI-generated text so that it appears more authentically “human” when run through AI detectors. But is Phrasly AI actually good at improving writing or bypassing detection? Does Phrasly even work as an AI checker?
At GPTZero, we’re obviously keen to examine any tools that claim to bypass AI detection. This review tests out Phrasly’s AI Detector and AI Humanizer to give you everything you need to know before you put down a credit card.
How does Phrasly AI detector and AI humanizer work?
Phrasly AI Detector: The Phrasly AI Detector doesn’t exactly explain how it detects AI. From our experience in AI detection, we suspect it works by running text through a probabilistic model that compares the text to example documents in its software’s database, and then predicting how likely a text is AI or human based on how similar the text is to AI writing versus human writing. This potential approach is similar to other detection tools, relying on extensive training data to spot the subtle “fingerprints” of AI-generated language. However, Phrasly AI detector’s accuracy depends heavily on the number and quality of the texts in its database.
Phrasly AI Humanizer: Phrasly’s AI Humanizer likely works by taking a text and running through a series of prompts to make slight adjustments to vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure. These adjustments may make a text more “unusual” sounding, which is commonly thought of as a way to bypass AI detectors. (Spoiler: it doesn’t always work.) Essentially, AI humanizers like Phrasly try to “launder” the text so that it no longer appears machine-written, attempting to make it less likely to be flagged by standard AI detectors. However, the text that AI humanizers produce, while seemingly human, has some qualitative degradations, from inconsistent spelling to awkward sentence construction.
As AI detection advances, high-quality AI detectors like GPTZero are able to detect that a text has been run through Phrasly’s humanizer. We’ll show examples in our testing below.
Key features and limitations of Phrasly AI
Phrasly’s product appears easy-to-use: you simply copy and paste text into various windows on its website and dashboard. However, there are few things to note about Phrasly’s product:
1) There is a pretty short word count limit. Phrasly’s AI Detector and Humanizer offer word count limits of between 300 and 800 words for free before requiring a credit card.

2) You have to sign up to access most features. Users must sign up for an account and then pay to access paraphrasing an AI detection, whereas other tools like GPTZero let you use the free service without an account.
3) They offer 3 different levels of paraphrasing. The Phrasly AI Humanizer allows users to decide how “aggressively” they want the text to be altered—the more aggressive, the less likely the text will be flagged by AI. However, Phrasly’s humanizer does not seem to offer any clear writing improvements or reasoning, unlike writing assistants like Quillbot or Grammarly.
4) You get 5 rewrites per run. A single pass of Phrasly’s AI humanizer currently offers 5 different drafts for rewrites. As we will detail below, these different drafts will offer inconsistent results against AI detection, even for the same “aggression” level of humanization.
Testing Phrasly’s AI Humanizer against GPTZero's AI Detector
GPTZero recently incorporated AI paraphrasing detection into its models to flag text that may have been run through popular bypassers, including Phrasly AI. While no model is 100% perfect at catching AI text, GPTZero can detect Phrasly’s paraphrased text, AND specifically label it as “possible AI paraphrase detected,” distinguishing it from other AI-generated content.
As an example, we asked ChatGPT to generate a full length essay on the fall of the Roman empire.
We ran the intro paragraph through GPTZero’s advanced scan, which detects AI with 99%+ accuracy. Our result, and Phrasly’s result, both correctly labeled this as AI-generated.
We then put the paragraph through Phrasly’s AI humanizer on the "aggressive" setting. It offered 5 different rewrites of this paragraph. In Phrasly’s AI detector, they detect these paragraphs as human and claim it will bypass AI detection.
However, when we test the same paragraph in GPTZero, we flag it as likely AI. Not only that, it is specifically flagged as AI paraphrased, meaning it is coming from a tool like Phrasly.
Note: At time of testing, not every one of the five draft options Phrasly offered was consitently labeled as AI paraphrased, but each produced inconsistent results with our AI detector, while Phrasly claims all should bypass as human in their detector.

Two other paraphrase attempts from Phrasly produced inconsisten results.
We encourage you to attempt to replicate our results by trying for yourself, with this or any generated sample text from your preferred AI model:
The Roman Empire, one of the most influential and enduring civilizations in world history, rose to prominence from the ashes of the Roman Republic and ultimately reshaped the ancient Mediterranean world. Emerging in the first century BCE and lasting, in its unified form, until the late fourth century CE, Rome’s power extended from the coastlines of Britain to the deserts of the Middle East, uniting diverse peoples and cultures under a centralized authority. The Empire’s longevity, however, did not guarantee its permanence. Over centuries, Rome suffered internal discord, external pressures, and systematic weaknesses that gradually eroded its foundations. By 476 CE, the western half of the Empire had collapsed, signaling the close of an era. Understanding Rome’s history, from its initial ascendency through to the tumultuous chain of events that triggered its fall, sheds light on the complexity of maintaining such a vast and heterogeneous realm.
In short, both the Phrasly AI Humanizer and Phrasly’s AI Detector are inconsistent and misleading when it comes to the outputs and promises of their product. They may sometimes bypass AI detectors by producing worse quality writing, but they still often fail to accurately assess their own paraphrasing outputs.
Pricing: How much does Phrasly cost in 2025?
Free Tier: Phrasly will let you input 550 free words into its AI humanizer.
Paid tiers: Costs start at $16.24 per month or $155.88 per year total.
This pricing is more expensive than AI writing improvement tools like Quillbot, which cost as low as $100 a year.
Alternatives to AI bypassers
As an AI detector, we don’t recommend you try Phrasly or other AI bypassing tools that are only designed to evade detection, because they often degrade the quality of the text and introduce worse writing errors. If you are looking to improve your writing with AI-powered educational feedback, there are a few alternatives to consider:
- GPTZero’s writing feedback and AI vocabulary: Take notes from the leading source of AI detection. GPTZero’s writing feedback offers templated and custom AI feedback for your writing depending on type (essay, applications, marketing blog posts, etc.), You can also run an additional AI vocabulary scan that highlights the most commonly used AI terms, so you can avoid sounding like a bot.
- Quillbot: Quillbot is also technically a paraphrasing tool, but its educational backers include Course Hero and Scribbr, meaning it does attempt to improve writing overall.
- Grammarly: Grammarly aims to fix grammar, spelling, and other sentence level errors. It’s recent AI features can also offer guided improvements to your writing for a price..
Final Verdict: Is Phrasly AI worth it?
In short, no. We don’t think it’s worth paying any service purely to evade AI detection, especially when there are more affordable actual writing improvement tools out there. ChatGPT and other AI large-language models offer great generative starting points for any piece of content, but they do not generate reliable, truthful content and are known to produce hallucinations or misinformation.
Moreover, in an academic setting especially, wholesale AI-generated content should not be portrayed as original human writing. Rewriting and revising AI-generated content with your own contributions (sometimes multiple times) is still one of the best ways to ensure your writing doesn’t come up flagged as AI-generated.
Developing your own unique writing voice takes time and effort. But we believe the world needs more human writers and human creativity. And that originality cannot be paid for with a piece of software.