How to Avoid Common AI-Generated Phrases in Your Writing

GPTZero Team
· 2 min read
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AI Writing Tip: Learn to spot AI’s most frequently-generated phrases. When you spot them, either erase them or change them around to appear distinct and personal. 

In order to help our users analyze word level and write differently from AI, we developed a formula for “phrase frequency” which takes into account the number of times a word appears in an AI-generated document, as well as the total number of words in a document. 

When comparing the top phrases that appear in human writing versus AI writing, with respect to quad-grams (phrases using four distinct words), here’s what we found:



In the face of

Is one of the

Thank you for considering

At the same time

For considering my application

As well as the

In the realm of 

To be able to

Writing to express my 

Will be able to

Am writing to express 

The rest of the 

Valuable insights into the

On the other hand

Plays a crucial role 

With the help of 

Underscores the importance of 

In the form of 

Am excited about the 

At the end of 

And again, in comparing the top phrases with respect to tri-grams (phrases using three distinct words), here’s what we found:



The importance of 

As well as

The opportunity to

In order to

Insights into the 

One of the

The complexities of 

Be able to

The need for 

The fact that

Understanding of the 

Is one of 

Thank you for

Because of the 

Crucial role in 

Due to the 

Contribute to the

At the same

Is crucial for 

The same time 

It’s interesting that in both cases, the top-generated phrases from humans and the ones from AI are entirely different; there is no middle to this Venn diagram.

We can also notice certain things: in tri-grams, for example, AI tends to favor words like “crucial” and “importance.” On the other hand, human writing tends to favor adverbial or adjective prepositional phrases (“due to the”, “because of the”). 

From this dataset, we can encourage writers and readers to inject their own language into the most commonly-used phrases that AI tends to generate.