Copyleaks AI Detector Review: Is it Accurate?
Compare the functionality, features, and pricing of Copyleaks to GPTZero, an advanced AI detector and plagiarism checker.

What is Copyleaks?
Copyleaks is an all-in-one content integrity platform:
- Detects AI generated content
- Plagiarism checker
- Provides writing assistance
- Generative AI governance and compliance
- AI grading for teachers
- AI source code detector
What is GPTZero?
GPTZero is more than an AI detector. It offers: AI detection, plagiarism checking, AI vocabulary detection, and writing feedback scans. GPTZero is centered around bringing transparency to AI content. GPTZero aims to empower the use of AI by demystifying AI and encouraging engagement with AI, preparing humans for the increasingly AI-driven world.
Feature comparison
Copyleaks vs. GPTZero
How much is Copyleaks?
Copyleaks has three pricing tiers to choose from.
- AI Content Detector: $7.99 USD
Get up to 1,200 credits (1 credit = 250 words), two users and API access. - Plagiarism Detector: $8.99 USD
Get up to 1,200 credits, two users and API access. - AI & Plagiarism Detection: $13.99 USD
Get up to 1,200 credits, detection across multiple languages, multiple forms of paraphrasing detection, two users and API access.
How much is GPTZero?
GPTZero offers a free tier and three plan prices starting at $8.33 per month.
- Free (no credit card required)
Gives you access to 10,000 words scanned a month, advanced AI detection, multilingual detection and writing feedback - Essential: $8.33/month when paying annual
150,000 words/month, 100 scans an hour, 10 file limit per batch, advanced AI detection, plagiarism check, multilingual AI detection and writing feedback - Premium: $12.99/month when paying annual
300,000 words/month, unlimited scans per hour, unlimited batch file uploads, advanced AI detection, plagiarism check, multilingual AI detection, writing feedback, ability to add team members - Professional: $24.99/month when paying annual
500,000 words/month, unlimited scans per hour, unlimited batch file uploads, advanced AI detection, plagiarism check, multilingual AI detection, writing feedback, ability to add team members

How does Copyleaks work?
You can copy and paste or upload a file and run your scans. Analyze your results to determine what percentage of text is AI generated and which sources online the content matches from.
How does GPTZero work?
Sign up for free to GPTZero and copy and paste text, upload a file or batch upload files.
Choose what scans you want to run from AI detection, plagiarism, writing feedback, multilingual AI detection.
See here how to run a scan on GPTZero and understand your results.
How accurate is Copyleaks AI Detector?
Copyleaks AI detector claims to have 99.12% accuracy.
Benchmarking from GPTZero shows that Copyleaks has closer to 87.5% accuracy when classifying documents with mixed AI and human content.
How accurate is GPTZero?
On our own internal evaluation dataset of over 25k documents, GPTZero achieves an accuracy of 96.5% for mixed documents and 99% for AI vs. human. Importantly, the false positive rate is just under 1%, so most of the errors being made are AI classified as human. We are meticulous about including challenging samples in this evaluation dataset to get an accurate estimate of how our model performs on actual user submissions. Choosing an easier set of documents would make our performance metrics look great, but would be uninformative.
GPTZero Reviews and Testimonials
“GPTZero does a great job of detecting content created by ChatGPT. It also warns users that they shouldn’t blindly trust AI content detectors, which makes it an easy recommendation.” - Themeisle
“One of the critical factors that determine user experience is the tool’s accuracy. Users have praised GPTZero for its high accuracy in identifying AI-authored content. Its reliability, even when dealing with newer, more sophisticated AI models, has been a major plus in the eyes of its users.” - Sci Journal
“GPTZero provides accurate results in identifying AI-generated text. Though it’s been developed for teachers, students, and writers, other professions can also benefit from it.” - MSPowerUser
“GPTZero is one of the most straightforward tools we tested — especially if you only need to check a few pieces of content. This is because you don’t need a subscription or account for a basic scan. Simply paste your content into the web interface. GPTZero also has a novel feature that recreates typing behavior in Word or Google docs, which is a nifty way to be certain that a human typed rather than pasted content.” - Crowd Content