Anthology and GPTZero, towards an impactful AI response on Blackboard

Among the most impactful organizations that touch the day-to-day workflows of millions of students and teachers are learning management systems, the platforms where our course materials, discussions, and assignments are housed.

Anthology — which runs Blackboard, is one of the most far-reaching learning management systems in the world, used in thousands of schools, colleges, and universities. Senior leadership at Anthology, after a thorough evaluation of the emerging solutions in the AI detection space, decided to engage with GPTZero to support schools and educators.

Thoughtful, Thorough Solution Development

We'll skip the press release, but will share below some key highlights on the collaboration.

  • GPTZero demonstrated the most accurate AI detection capabilities on challenging datasets of high school, college, and EFL writing.
  • The integration was launched as a beta test in May to a few dozen of Anthology's US-based Blackboard Learn clients.
  • The beta test now allows instructors at these institutions to use GPTZero within Blackboard Learn’s originality reporting capability, SafeAssign.

While evaluating technologies, both Anthology and GPTZero recognized that 'AI detection accuracy' is only a meaningful number when tied to an evaluation dataset.

While multiple AI detectors claimed 99% accuracy, GPTZero impressed Anthology with a unique approach. We developed new datasets composed of unique K12, college, and EFL writing that purposefully challenged all AI detector accuracies, and were the only detector to demonstrate a meaningful capacity to improve for novel writing and novel generative AI models.

Anthology’s Senior Director of Product Management & Strategy, Wade Weichel shared, “We see this as an opportunity to help educators through a transitional period in which instructional and assessment practices need to be adjusted to both respond to and embrace AI.” He continued, “T­­he technology GPTZero makes available is a promising development. We’re excited to work with the GPTZero team and the beta test participants to learn more about how educational technology can support our clients – and by extension – the students they serve.”

With Anthology, we’re excited to learn from our beta-test universities about how we can support and guide them through these advances in technology, while embracing the possibilities of what generative AI can do for the betterment of education.